Teaching Languages | Journal activities

This week, we’ll look at some more activities for teaching languages with journals. Enhancing Language Learning Through Likes and Dislikes: A Sorting Activity Guide The concept of integrating likes and dislikes into language learning, as discussed in the video, offers a personalized and relatable approach for beginners. This method stands out for its simplicity and… Read More Teaching Languages | Journal activities

Teaching Languages | 5 Weeks of Language Learning Activities using Paper | Week 4

This week, we explore activities for teaching languages, including interactive games to make with flash cards and instant quizzes. Teaching Languages | Language Learning Activities using Paper _______________ Simple Index Cards Set of Flash Cards Different rules for playing Go Fish Memory or Concentration Game Have students take pictures of your vocabulary on the cards… Read More Teaching Languages | 5 Weeks of Language Learning Activities using Paper | Week 4

Teaching Languages | Reading to learn languages | 2

In this second week of reading for teaching languages, we talk about learning to read in other languages. _______________________ We will continue our series on reading to learn languages. Before, we discussed about learning to read our language and using that to read and learn a new language. We also share some tips for beginners… Read More Teaching Languages | Reading to learn languages | 2

Teaching Languages | Assessment for Teaching & Learning | Week 3

In this video, we talk more about assessment in teaching languages and learning them, too. ___________________________ This week, Janina will talk about assessments that you can do at home for your own language skills. A favorite language learning tool Perfect for the novice level The assessments are built-in Advanced Placement is a program run by… Read More Teaching Languages | Assessment for Teaching & Learning | Week 3

Teaching Languages | Assessment for Teaching & Learning| Week Two

In this video, we talk about some quick ways to assess progress for teaching languages and learning them, too. __________________________ This week, we offer some tips to assess your language skills. What can you do? An activity Write down a set of words. These will be words that will be chunked in context to all… Read More Teaching Languages | Assessment for Teaching & Learning| Week Two

Teaching Languages | Sanity Savers | Week One

In this series, we explore some low prep activities for teaching languages. _______________ Today, we are in the first week of five weeks of sanity savers, and we will discuss about sanity-saving ideas for language classrooms. Introduction Most activities for language can be adapted to any level Organizing a class period if you’re not introducing… Read More Teaching Languages | Sanity Savers | Week One