Teaching Languages | Journal activities

This week, we’ll look at some more activities for teaching languages with journals.

Enhancing Language Learning Through Likes and Dislikes: A Sorting Activity Guide

The concept of integrating likes and dislikes into language learning, as discussed in the video, offers a personalized and relatable approach for beginners. This method stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, engaging learners in a process that ties new vocabulary to their everyday experiences and preferences.

Key Takeaways

  1. Personalization in Learning: Connecting language learning with personal likes, dislikes, and daily activities.
  2. Categorization and Sorting: Using categorization to organize thoughts and vocabulary effectively.
  3. Application in Reading: Enhancing comprehension and vocabulary by applying likes and dislikes to reading materials.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Journaling with Likes/Dislikes: Create journal entries categorizing things you like and dislike in the target language.
  2. Daily Activities Sorting: Make lists of activities you do and don’t do, using them to learn relevant vocabulary.
  3. Reading and Reviewing: After reading in the target language, list what you liked and disliked about the content to improve comprehension and vocabulary.

“Language learning should resonate with your life. By sorting and categorizing based on your likes and dislikes, you make every word meaningful.”

Resources Mentioned

  • Personal Journals: For writing and organizing thoughts.
  • Reading Materials: In the target language for applying sorting activities.

Personal Best Advice

As an experienced language educator, I emphasize the importance of making language learning relevant to your life. By using likes and dislikes as a framework, you can make new vocabulary feel more natural and easier to remember. Tailor these activities to align with your interests, and you’ll find that learning becomes much more enjoyable and effective.


  1. Is this method suitable for all language levels?
    Yes, it can be adapted for various levels by adjusting the complexity of the vocabulary and concepts.

  2. How does personalization aid in language learning?
    Personalization makes learning more relatable and memorable, as it connects new knowledge to existing experiences and preferences.

  3. Can this method be used for any language?
    Absolutely, it’s a universal approach that works for any language.

  4. What other tools can complement this method?
    Flashcards, language apps, and conversation practice can all enhance this learning method.

  5. How often should I practice this method?
    Regular practice, ideally daily, will yield the best results.

Language Teaching

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