Cognates: your friends to learn Italian more easily

Cognate Words

Cognates can help you to learn Italian more easily. First of all, they are words similar in spelling and pronunciation both in English and Italian due to the common Latin root and same meaning. The Latin root is common to Romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Romanian. This explains why people who know one of these languages can easily learn the others.

You should keep in mind that some words are false friends: they look similar but have different meaning.

One tip to identify cognates is to look at their endings:

Words ending in -ty, in italian end in -tà :

University Università

Maturity Maturità

Words ending in -ble, in Italian end in -bile:

Adorable Adorabile

Possible Possibile

Terrible Terribile

Words ending in -tion, in Italian end in -zione:

Attention Attenzione

Education Educazione

Words ending in -ly in Italian end in -mente:

Generally Generalmente

Rapidly Rapidamente

Totally Totalmente

Words ending in -ic in Italian end in -ico or -ica:

Fantastic Fantastico

Economic Economic

Scientific Scientifico

Music Musica

Words ending in -ism in Italian end in -ismo:

Pessimism Pessimismo

Romanticism Romanticismo

Realism Realismo

Words ending in -al in Italian end in -ale:

Animal Animale

Phenomenal Fenomenale

Original Originale

Words ending in -ous in Italian end in -ioso (masculine) and -iosa (feminine):

Ambitious Ambizioso

Curious Curioso

Words ending in -y in Italian end in -ia:

Psychology Psicologia

Anatomy Anatomia

Democracy Democrazia

Words ending in -ical end in -ico and -ica

Typical Tipico

Classical Classico

Words ending in -ect end in -etto:

Correct Corretto

Effect Effetto

Words ending in -ent end in -ente:

Ingredient Ingrediente

Fluent Fluente

Other words differ with the last letter:

Error Errore

Dollar Dollaro

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