5 Weeks of Google Apps

Welcome to the Five-week Linguist Show. We will discuss Google Apps for Languages.

(0:49) – Google Translate is a great tool

(1:23) – The Voice Feature

(2:10) – I love Google Docs

(2:38) – Five ways that any language learner can use this tool

(3:26) – Vocab Journal and Task Journal

(4:46) – Fluency Journals are an excellent exercise for Beginners

(6:21) – “Tell me about your family” task

(6:46) – Building your Fluency

(7:46) – I wanted to talk about collaborative projects

(8:17) – Take Google Docs and prepare some questions

(9:15) – Making sentences in any language

(9:50) – Asking those questions as learning acquisition

(10:30) – Record it and listen to it later

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5 Weeks of Low and No Prep Fun

25 Ways to Learn Every Day

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