Teaching Languages | 5 Google Apps Activities

In this video, you’ll learn about 5 activities using Google Apps for your language classes.

Leveraging Google Forms for Language Learning: Comprehensible Input and Surveys


Hello, language educators! In this part of our language teaching video series, we focus on the use of Google Forms as a tool for language learning. The creator highlights how Google Forms can be used for creating engaging reading activities, comprehension exercises, and surveys that cater to various aspects of language learning.

Key Takeaways

  1. Google Forms for Reading Activities: Creating activities based on fake text conversations, including authentic text abbreviations, to practice reading comprehension.
  2. Comprehension Exercises: Using videos or screenshots from the target language, followed by a series of questions in Google Forms.
  3. Surveys for Communicative Language Experience: Designing surveys that generate charts and graphs for discussion, enhancing speaking skills.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Create a Fake Text Reading Activity: Use a fake text generator to create a conversation, then design a Google Form with comprehension questions.
  2. Utilize Multimedia for Comprehension: Incorporate videos or images from the target language into Google Forms for comprehension exercises.
  3. Design Surveys: Create surveys in Google Forms that prompt students to use the target language, and use the response data for class discussions.

“It really provides a lot of really rich communicative language experience approach type activities.”

Resources Mentioned

  • Google Forms: For creating interactive language learning activities.
  • Fake Text Generator: A tool for creating authentic-looking text message conversations.

Personal Best Advice

Using Google Forms in language teaching offers a unique way to engage students in authentic and practical language use. It’s particularly effective for creating exercises that simulate real-life language scenarios, enhancing both comprehension and communication skills. As a language educator, embracing such tools can significantly enrich your teaching repertoire.


  1. How can I ensure students use the target language in Google Forms?
    • Monitor their activity and remind them to set their language settings appropriately.
  2. Is Google Forms suitable for all language levels?
    • Yes, it can be adapted to suit various proficiency levels by adjusting the complexity of tasks.
  3. Can these forms be used for assessment purposes?
    • While they are great for practice and engagement, they can also be used for informal assessment.
  4. How do I make these activities culturally relevant?
    • Incorporate cultural elements specific to the target language in your text conversations and survey questions.
  5. Can Google Forms be used in a non-digital classroom?
    • They’re best used in a digital format, but you can adapt similar activities using paper-based methods.

Need more activities that work in any language? https://real-life-language.teachable.com/p/250-language-activities-for-language-classes

Looking for immersive, engaging, fun activities for your beginning Spanish classes? Love teaching with comprehensible input, and looking to add some ready-made effective lessons to your repertoire? Love teaching, but want work-life balance? Looking for 100s of materials, lessons, resources and ideas for student-centered activities?


If you teach languages, you probably love languages, too. However, our students don’t always love it so much. With all of the hard parts, who can blame them? In this free guide, I share 25 activities that can be used to teach any language and can be adapted to any level. Get yours here https://real-life-language.ck.page/200491762e

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