French teachers: Conversations for Beginners

French teachers: Conversations for Beginners

French teachers: Conversations for Beginners

Welcome to Everyday French Conversations for Beginners Week 5 Episode 2. Learn the language to speak to your French teachers online and in a classroom.

We’ll talk about learning languages online. Guest Justine is from France, is French, and has been teaching languages for 12 years, online for the last 3 years.

(02:35) You can also go to a French speaking country and take a language class there. You have school for a few hours and the rest of the time to practice. Today, we’ll learn about French for the classroom. Janina will ask Justine some French that is used in the classroom.

(03:15) How to say “sit down” to one person or to a group. The class begins… Don’t read… I can’t hear you. I don’t understand you. Listen to the sentence.

(05:00) What does that word mean? Translate, in the command form. Tell me your name. The formal form of that. I don’t know.

(06:00) Open your book, please. (Formal and informal.) Answer in French. Repeat after me. Repeat one more time.

(07:00) How do you say… My name is…

(07:55) Close the door. Take out a piece of paper. How to ask for a dictionary. How to ask the teacher for a piece of paper or a pencil.

(09:15) Justine lists a few more words and expressions that would be useful in a classroom. Come to the chalkboard. Pencil sharpener.

(11:00) How to ask for permission to use the toilet. There are three ways to ask a question: the very polite way, the normal way and the “raised voice” way.

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Sit down.
The class begins.
Don’t read.
l can’t hear you.
l don’t understand you.
You are late.
Listen to the sentence.
Speak louder.
What does that word mean?
Tell me your name.
No, l don’t know the lesson.
Open your book, please.
Answer in French.
Repeat all together.
Repeat after me.
Repeat Once more.
How does one say ‘Hello’ in English?
It’s because we’re in a hurry.
Ask the Gentleman to close the door.
What is your name?
My name is
Repeat the question please.

La classe commence.
Ne lisez pas.
Je ne vous entends pas.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
Vous êtes en retard.
Ecoutez la phrase.
Parlez plus fort.
Que veut dire ce mot?
Dites-moi votre nom.
Non/ je ne sais pas/ la leçon.
Ouvrez votre livre/ s’il vous
Répondez/ en français.
Répétez/ tous ensemble.
Répétez/ après moi.
Répétez/ encore une fois.
Comment dit-on/ bonjour/ en
C’est parce quel nous sommes
Demandez/ à Monsieur de fermer
la porte.
Comment vous appelez-vous?
Je m’appelle .••
Répétez/ la question/ s’il vous

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