French Greetings: Conversations for Beginners

French Greetings: Conversations for beginners

French Greetings: Learn How to Meet and Greet in French

Bienvenue to French Conversations for Beginners. Welcome to this 5-week course to learn some basic French.

In this episode, you will learn to:

*meet and greet in French
*understand the difference between formal and informal meeting and greetings
*meet and greet in a culturally appropriate way

[00:01] Welcome and introduction.

[00:20] Differences between formal and informal meetings.

[01:08] Formal meet and greet practice.

[01:48] Translation and explanation of the formal meet and greet practice.

[03:50] Appropriate times and settings for the customary cheek kiss.

[05:00] Informal greetings and who to greet with them.

[06:35] Practice informal greeting to someone you already know.

[07:40] Practice greetings for meeting someone for the first time in an informal setting.

[09:25] French cultural customs and faux pas during greetings.

[12:35] Essential greetings used in this episode, translated from English to French.

Some essential phrases to get started in French:






Good morning.

Bon après-midi.


Good afternoon.

Bonne soirée.


Good evening.

Au revoir.



À bientôt.


See you later.

Je n’ai pas compris.


I don’t understand.



Good morning.

Bon après-midi.


Good afternoon.

Bonne soirée.


Good evening.

Au revoir.



À bientôt.


See you later.

Je n’ai pas compris.


I don’t understand.

Parlez-vous anglais ?


Do you speak English?

J’ai été heureux de faire votre connaissance.


It was nice to see you.

Comment vous appelez-vous ?


What’s your name?

Je m’appelle ……..


My name is……..

Comment allez-vous ?


How are you?




Pas trop mal.


So- so.

Vous vous sentez bien?


Are you all right?

D’où venez-vous?


Where are you from?

Tune in over the next five weeks to learn some basic French in this free audio course series.

We learn languages most effectively in chunks–meaningful words and phrases to communicate right away. 

Want the free audio? French for Travel and Beginners free book with linked audio. Get yours here:

Looking to get started in French? Try learning some survival tasks. Get the free guide here:

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2 thoughts on “French Greetings: Conversations for Beginners

  1. How do I receive the workbook? I selected the real life language workbook Link above Bur it took me to a subscribe link. I signed up be not able to receive the workbook. Help.

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