Listen to Spanish from Everywhere: Week Five Conversation Four
Listen to Spanish from Everywhere
Listen to Spanish from everywhere in this podcast. Learn Spanish like a native from a native in this series of podcast episodes of conversations with native speakers from all over the world. In this episode, you will meet Eva from Madrid, Spain.
Essential words and phrases to understand this conversation:
fuera de casa con los amigos: outside the house with friends
significa que: it means that
apoyo social: social support
estaba funcionando muy bien: it was working very well
otra perspectiva: another perspective
sociedades muy desarrolladas: very developed societies
este barrio: this neighborhood
los espectáculos: the shows
los últimos treinta años: the last thirty years
desde el punto de vista: from the point of view
Learn Spanish like a native from a native.
- Read through the essential words and phrases.
- Listen.
- Listen again.
- Do the fluency exercises.
Learning a language begins with understanding. When you hit the upper levels, it is vital that you understand deeply. Reading and listening allows you the opportunity to dig deep into grammar and vocabulary, all completely in the context of authentic communication and use. Read and listen multiple times. Eventually, the language you soak up will become your own.
We live in an unprecedented time. Never before in the history of the world have we had so much access to authentic language and culture. These recordings allow you to listen multiple times to get that deep understanding you need to speak like a native yourself. Unlike in real conversations, you can repeat what you didn’t understand as many times as you need. You will find yourself owning what you heard and read.
Looking to dig deeper? Be sure to check out the link below to get all of the materials you need to start speaking Spanish like it was your first language.
Get the free workbook here with the exercises and transcripts: https://reallifelanguage.lpages.co/spanish-conversations-advanced-week-5/
Looking for more episodes? http://reallifelanguage.com/reallifelanguageblog/2019/10/24/advanced-spanish-course-online/