Learn Spanish with Audio: Week One Conversation Three


Learn Spanish with Audio: Week One Conversation Three

Learn Spanish with audio in this podcast series featuring conversations with Spanish speakers from all over the Spanish-speaking world. In this conversation for advanced learners of Spanish, you will learn vocabulary and grammar (all in context) to talk about life and culture.

Episode Summary

In this episode, you will meet Geena from Mexico City. Geena is a mother of one, and a wife. She and her family live in Mexico’s capital city. In this conversation for advanced learners of Spanish, you will learn vocabulary and grammar (all in context) to talk about life and culture in Mexico. First, our guest, Geena, will tell us about her family and family life on a broader scale in Mexico. Learn about holidays in Mexico. She will tell us about food in her country and celebrations. Get the perspective of how people live in Mexico, how they spend their leisure time, the economy and work, from a native while you learn Spanish with audio.

Essential words and phrases to understand this conversation:

es raro que tengan un solo hijo: it’s rare to have only one child

poco responsable: a little responsable

desde cualquier parte del mundo: from any part of the world

mi trabajo me lo permite: my job lets me

para tener un mejor futuro: to have a better future

nos hacen creer: they make us believe

no se preocupan: they don’t worry

cualquier motivo: any reason

todo el mundo hace posadas: everyone does posadas (group visits to people’s homes at the holidays)

una amplia variedad: a wide variety

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