French for Dating

What would you like to drink?Que voulez vous boire?
Where did you grow up?Ou as tu grandi?
How do you see your future?Comment envisages-tu l’avenir?
What are your favourite books?Quels sont tes livres préférés?
Which country would you love to visit most in the world?Quel pays rêves-tu de visiter?
What is your favourite movie/book?Quel est ton film/livre favori et pourquoi?
What is your kind of music?Quel type de musique tu écoutes ?
What was your worst date?Quel a été ton pire premier rendez vous?
How do you get on with your ex? Quelles sont tes relations avec ton ex?
Have you ever been in love?As-tu déjà été amoureux(se) ?
You have beautiful eyes…T’as de beaux yeux tu sais…

Legendary actor Jean Gabin complimenting another legendary actress Michèle Morgan in the famous movie Le Quai des brumes just before he kissed her.


Where are you going on vacation?Qu’est ce que tu fais pour les vacances?


From a very famous song that everyone knows in France:


Do you have one or several animals?As tu un ou des animaux?


Equivalent to asking if you are you a cat or dog person…


If you enjoyed your date would like another, you can ask:


Where do you want to have a last drink?Ou veux tu avoir un dernier verre?


If you didn’t enjoy the evening, just tell her or him:


I will call you very soon.Je t’appelle bientot.



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