Teaching Languages | Some More Google Apps Activities

In this video, you’ll learn see some more activities using Google Apps for your language classes.

Maximizing Technology for Language Learning: YouTube, Chrome Extensions, and More


Greetings once again, language enthusiasts! This segment of our language teaching video series focuses on harnessing the power of technology, particularly YouTube and various Chrome extensions, for language learning. These tools provide access to authentic language and cultural experiences, making language learning more dynamic and immersive.

Key Takeaways

  1. YouTube for Language Learning: Utilizing videos for cultural insights, like dance tutorials, exercise videos, and city walks.
  2. ReadLang Chrome Extension: A tool that helps with reading comprehension in the target language by translating words and creating flashcards.
  3. Language Learning with Netflix: Turning Netflix into a language learning resource with subtitles and vocabulary practice.
  4. Quizlet Live for Interactive Learning: Using the game feature in Quizlet for engaging language practice.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Explore YouTube Videos: Select relevant videos for cultural and language insights.
  2. Integrate ReadLang for Reading Practice: Use the ReadLang Chrome extension to assist students with reading in the target language.
  3. Utilize Netflix for Language Learning: Employ the Language Learning with Netflix extension to make watching shows an educational experience.
  4. Engage with Quizlet Live: Use Quizlet Live for interactive and fun vocabulary games.

“We are living in the most phenomenal time in the world to be language teachers, language lovers, language learners.”

Resources Mentioned

  • YouTube: A platform for accessing a wide range of authentic language and cultural content.
  • ReadLang Chrome Extension: Enhances reading comprehension in the target language.
  • Language Learning with Netflix Chrome Extension: Turns Netflix into a tool for language learning.
  • Quizlet Live: An interactive game feature within Quizlet for language practice.

Personal Best Advice

As someone deeply involved in language education, I cannot overstate the value of these technological tools in enhancing the language learning experience. They not only provide access to authentic language content but also make learning more engaging and culturally rich. Embracing these tools can significantly benefit both teachers and learners in the journey of language acquisition.


  1. How can I ensure students stay focused while using these tools?
    • Set clear objectives and guide students on how to use these resources effectively for language learning.
  2. Are these tools suitable for all proficiency levels?
    • Yes, they can be adapted to different levels by selecting appropriate content and setting suitable tasks.
  3. Can these tools be used in a traditional classroom setting?
    • Absolutely! They are versatile and can enhance both online and in-person language teaching.
  4. How do I assess learning using these tools?
    • Assess based on students’ engagement, understanding, and ability to apply the language skills learned.
  5. What if I have limited access to technology in my classroom?
    • Focus on the tools that are most accessible and consider offline alternatives that offer similar benefits.

For more resources on learning and teaching languages, to get on our mailing list, or to get the workbook for this course, be sure to visit RealLifeLanguage.com/reallifelanguageblog. If you are listening to this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a rating.

We live in an extraordinary era for language enthusiasts, learners, and teachers. Never before have we had such easy access to authentic language and culture. Thanks to platforms like YouTube, which I believe is the world’s third-largest search engine, we can explore a wealth of video content suitable for learners at any level.

Videos offer a diverse range of language learning opportunities. Here are some ideas to make the most of them:

  1. Dance lessons: Dance tutorials are an excellent way to engage with the culture of the target language. Whether it’s Merengue, Salsa, or any other dance style, these free tutorials serve as great brain breaks during your language learning sessions.
  2. Exercise videos: Look for exercise videos in your target language. Even a quick five-minute routine can get you up and moving while providing language input. This is especially beneficial for language learners who prefer a kinesthetic approach.
  3. Songs: Listening to songs in the background introduces you to the target language’s culture and its current music scene. It’s not only enjoyable but also provides conversation points and exposure to different musical genres.
  4. Commercials: Commercials in the target language are fantastic for discussing products, practices, and perspectives of the people who speak that language. Analyzing commercials together can be an insightful and entertaining language learning activity.
  5. City walks: With the advent of pandemic-related travel restrictions, people started recording city walks worldwide. Watching these videos immerses you in different places, allowing you to explore and absorb the cultural ambiance. It’s like taking a virtual tour and experiencing new locations from the comfort of your home.

In addition to videos, there are some useful Chrome extensions that can enhance your language learning experience:

  1. ReadLang: This powerful Chrome extension makes reading in your target language comprehensible. By hovering over words, you can quickly learn their meanings, create flashcards, and receive reading suggestions tailored to your language level.
  2. Language Learning with Netflix: This Chrome extension transforms your Netflix account into a language learning laboratory. It provides language-specific subtitles, pop-up translations, and other helpful features to enhance your comprehension while enjoying your favorite shows and movies.

Furthermore, Google Meet now allows you to customize your background during video calls. Take advantage of this feature by selecting images of places you aspire to visit. It’s an excellent way to bring target language culture into your virtual meetings and conversations.

Lastly, Quizlet is a popular platform among language teachers and learners. While it primarily offers study sets, Quizlet Live turns the learning process into an exciting game. With the app’s QR code feature, students can form teams or compete individually, making vocabulary and concept learning highly engaging.

Videos and related tools provide a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Incorporating them into your language learning routine expands your exposure to language, culture, and real-world situations. So, dive into the vast array of videos available, explore different topics, and enrich your language learning journey.

Embrace the world of videos and enjoy the incredible language learning opportunities it brings.


If you teach languages, you probably love languages, too. However, our students don’t always love it so much. With all of the hard parts, who can blame them? In this free guide, I share 25 activities that can be used to teach any language and can be adapted to any level. Get yours here https://real-life-language.ck.page/200491762e

We live in the most exciting time to learn a language, and it is getting more exciting every day. If you want to master another language, I share my framework for learning any language in this free masterclass here. Grab your spot here https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/61323588c0063e00188e17a8

Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning | Week 4

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