Teaching Languages | Journal activities

This week, we’ll look at some more activities for teaching languages with journals. Enhancing Language Learning Through Likes and Dislikes: A Sorting Activity Guide The concept of integrating likes and dislikes into language learning, as discussed in the video, offers a personalized and relatable approach for beginners. This method stands out for its simplicity and… Read More Teaching Languages | Journal activities

Teaching Languages | 5 More Google Apps Activities

In this video, you’ll learn about 5 more activities using Google Apps for your language classes. Google Docs for Language Learning: Task Journals and Vocabulary Notebooks Introduction Greetings, language educators and learners! In this part of our language teaching video series, we delve into the use of Google Docs for language learning. The focus is… Read More Teaching Languages | 5 More Google Apps Activities

Teaching Languages | 5 Google Apps Activities

In this video, you’ll learn about 5 activities using Google Apps for your language classes. Leveraging Google Forms for Language Learning: Comprehensible Input and Surveys Introduction Hello, language educators! In this part of our language teaching video series, we focus on the use of Google Forms as a tool for language learning. The creator highlights… Read More Teaching Languages | 5 Google Apps Activities

Teaching Languages | Some More Google Apps Activities

In this video, you’ll learn see some more activities using Google Apps for your language classes. Maximizing Technology for Language Learning: YouTube, Chrome Extensions, and More Introduction Greetings once again, language enthusiasts! This segment of our language teaching video series focuses on harnessing the power of technology, particularly YouTube and various Chrome extensions, for language… Read More Teaching Languages | Some More Google Apps Activities

Novice to Intermediate in Languages: Going from A to B

Welcome to the Five-Week Linguist Show! Today, we will discuss how to move from Novice A to Intermediate B in terms of your language fluency, improving your language fluency, and the tools you can utilize. This post contains affiliate links. Welcome to The Five-Week Linguist Show! If you’re someone interested in learning a new language… Read More Novice to Intermediate in Languages: Going from A to B

Exploring Private Language Schools | Study abroad next summer

The Five-Week Linguist: Exploring Private Language Schools Welcome to the Five-Week Linguist blog! This week, we are delving into the world of private language schools. I have always been intrigued by private language institutions worldwide, though I personally prefer studying abroad rather than local language schools. Here’s why. As a novice or an ‘A’ level… Read More Exploring Private Language Schools | Study abroad next summer

Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning | Week 4

In this video, we talk about some more ways to get pleasure into your routines for learning and teaching languages. Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning ___________________________________ Welcome to the 5-Week Linguist Show. Today, we are in the fourth week of Five weeks of pleasurable language learning week, and we are going to talk more… Read More Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning | Week 4

Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning | Week 5

Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning In this last video in this series, we talk about some pleasurable activities for learning and teaching languages. ________________________________ Today, we are in the fifth week of five weeks of pleasurable language learning week, and we’re going to talk all about things we don’t love. Checklist of the things… Read More Teaching Languages | Pleasurable language learning | Week 5