Teaching Languages | Reading to learn languages | Week 1

In this series, we talk about ways to use reading for teaching languages.

Teaching Languages | Reading to learn languages

Welcome to the 5-Week Linguist Show! This week, we will talk about reading to learn a foreign language. Stay tuned!

Studies about Input on Learning Languages

Read as much as you can in a foreign language

Learning to Read and Speak in a Foreign Language

The Challenge in Learning to Speak by Reading in a Foreign Language

Writing and Reading Summaries

Ask Questions


Read with Others

For more resources on learning and teaching languages, to get on our mailing list, or to get the workbook for this course, be sure to visit RealLifeLanguage.com/reallifelanguageblog. If you are listening to this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a rating.
If you teach languages, you probably love languages, too. However, our students don’t always love it so much. With all of the hard parts, who can blame them? In this free guide, I share 25 activities that can be used to teach any language and can be adapted to any level. Get yours here https://real-life-language.ck.page/200491762e

We live in the most exciting time to learn a language, and it is getting more exciting every day. If you want to master another language, I share my framework for learning any language in this free masterclass here. Grab your spot here https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/61323588c0063e00188e17a8

Teaching Languages | Journal activities | Week 4

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