Teaching Languages | Sanity Savers | Week Two

In this series, we explore teaching languages with activities that don’t take a lot to prep, are fun, and can help save our sanity on those days when we need engaged students without being “on” all the time.
Today, we are in the second week of five weeks of sanity savers, and we will be talking about activities to save your sanity while having your student and kids learn simultaneously.

The first thing I want to talk about is to have a set of research projects.
Cultural projects are prevalent because it explores people’s perspectives.
For beginners, some of the projects I recommend would be anything short and sweet.

We’re all not experts in the culture of every place that speaks our language.

Having a repertoire of projects to explore a culture is helpful to get immersed in it.

One activity I like doing is called “Hot Seat.”

On the target language, you give them a series of questions they need to research.

There are many different configurations you can make out of this.

Another research project I like doing is Guest Speakers because it’s flexible.

Students would make up questions for guest speakers based on a theme. Some of the questions might be, “What’s your name? Where are you from? Where do you live?”

They all come together and fill in any gaps during the interview.

Another fun activity involving target language research is commercials.

YouTube is one of the most significant video search engines globally. It’s a goldmine for language teachers and learners.

It’s great to see target language brands, and you get a lot of comprehensible input.

They tend to be packed with culture, and it’s enjoyable to see what everybody came up with.

If you teach languages, you probably love languages, too. However, our students don’t always love it so much. With all of the hard parts, who can blame them? In this free guide, I share 25 activities that can be used to teach any language and can be adapted to any level. Get yours here https://real-life-language.ck.page/200491762e

We live in the most exciting time to learn a language, and it is getting more exciting every day. If you want to master another language, I share my framework for learning any language in this free masterclass here. Grab your spot here https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/61323588c0063e00188e17a8

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