Spanish Verbs: Learn the Super Seven

Learn the Super Seven Spanish verbs today.

The “Super Seven” verbs in Spanish are some of the most commonly used verbs in the language. They are:

  1. Ser (to be)
  2. Estar (to be)
  3. Tener (to have)
  4. Hacer (to do/make)
  5. Ir (to go)
  6. Dar (to give)
  7. Ver (to see)

These verbs are considered “super” because they are used very frequently in Spanish, and are therefore essential for anyone learning the language to master.

Here are their conjugations:

  1. Ser: soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son
  2. Estar: estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están
  3. Tener: tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen
  4. Hacer: hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen
  5. Ir: voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van
  6. Dar: doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan
  7. Ver: veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven

Here are 20 questions in Spanish using the “Super Seven” verbs: ser, tener, hacer, ir, dar, estar, and saber.

Note that they are NOT conversational! I think that questions and answers (even practicing yourself) are a FANTASTIC way to build your skills. 

Check out the questions and answers. We learn through understanding messages (Krashen).

  1. ¿Qué es ser?
  2. ¿Cómo se usa tener?
  3. ¿Cuándo se utiliza hacer?
  4. ¿Adónde vas?
  5. ¿Qué das?
  6. ¿Dónde estás?
  7. ¿Qué es ser amable?
  8. ¿Tienes un hermano?
  9. ¿Haces ejercicio todos los días?
  10. ¿A dónde vas para divertirte?
  11. ¿Qué le das a tu perro?
  12. ¿Estás en casa ahora?

Here are the answers to the 20 questions in Spanish:

¿Qué es ser? – Ser es uno de los verbos más importantes en español, se utiliza para describir y definir personas, objetos o situaciones.

  1. Translation: “What is ser? – Ser is one of the most important verbs in Spanish, it’s used to describe and define people, objects, or situations.”

¿Cómo se usa tener? – Tener se usa para expresar posesión o para describir características físicas y emocionales.

  1. Translation: “How is tener used? – Tener is used to express possession or to describe physical and emotional characteristics.”

¿Cuándo se utiliza hacer? – Hacer se utiliza para hablar de acciones que realizamos, como cocinar, limpiar, estudiar, etc.

  1. Translation: “When is hacer used? – Hacer is used to talk about actions that we do, like cooking, cleaning, studying, etc.”

¿Adónde vas? – Voy al cine / Voy a casa / Voy al parque, etc.

  1. Translation: “Where are you going? – I’m going to the movies / I’m going home / I’m going to the park, etc.”

¿Qué das? – Le doy un regalo / Le doy un abrazo / Le doy una flor, etc.

  1. Translation: “What are you giving? – I’m giving a gift / I’m giving a hug / I’m giving a flower, etc.”

¿Dónde estás? – Estoy en casa / Estoy en la oficina / Estoy en el parque, etc.

  1. Translation: “Where are you? – I’m at home / I’m at the office / I’m at the park, etc.”

¿Qué es ser amable? – Ser amable es ser cordial, educado y respetuoso con los demás.

  1. Translation: “What is it to be kind? – To be kind is to be friendly, polite, and respectful to others.”

¿Tienes un hermano? – Sí, tengo un hermano / No, no tengo un hermano.

  1. Translation: “Do you have a brother? – Yes, I have a brother / No, I don’t have a brother.

¿Haces ejercicio todos los días? – Sí, hago ejercicio todos los días / No, no hago ejercicio todos los días.

  1. Translation: “Do you exercise every day? – Yes, I exercise every day / No, I don’t exercise every day.”

¿A dónde vas para divertirte? – Voy al cine / Voy al parque de atracciones / Voy a un concierto, etc.

  1. Translation: “Where do you go to have fun? – I go to the movies / I go to the amusement park / I go to a concert, etc.”

¿Qué le das a tu perro? – Le doy comida / Le doy agua / Le doy juguetes, etc.

  1. Translation: “What do you give your dog? – I give him food / I give him water / I give him toys, etc.”

¿Estás en casa ahora? – Sí, estoy en casa ahora / No, no estoy en casa ahora.

  1. Translation: “Are you at home now? – Yes, I’m at home now / No, I’m not at home now.”

Spanish Verbs” Super Seven Writing Prompts

  1. Describe a person’s physical appearance using the verb “ser.”
  2. Write a conversation between two friends using the verb “estar” to describe their moods.
  3. Write a story about someone who has a lot of possessions, using the verb “tener.”
  4. Describe a series of actions taken by a character, using the verb “hacer.”
  5. Write a story about a journey or trip, using the verb “ir.”
  6. Write a story about someone giving a gift, using the verb “dar.”
  7. Describe a scene in which a person sees something surprising, using the verb “ver.”
  8. Write a story about a person’s day at work, using all seven verbs.
  9. Describe a person’s background, using the verb “ser.”
  10. Write a story about two people who are in different moods, using the verb “estar.”
  1. Write a story about someone who is searching for something they’ve lost, using the verb “tener.”
  2. Describe how someone prepares a meal, using the verb “hacer.”
  3. Write a story about a person’s travels, using the verb “ir.”
  4. Write a story about a person who gives a presentation, using the verb “dar.”
  5. Write a story about a person who has a supernatural experience, using the verb “ver.”
  6. Write a story about a person’s day from their perspective, using all seven verbs.
  7. Describe a person’s personality, using the verb “ser.”
  8. Write a story about two people who are experiencing different emotions, using the verb “estar.”
  9. Write a story about someone who collects things, using the verb “tener.”
  10. Describe how someone spends their weekend, using the verb “hacer.”

We live in the most exciting time to learn a language, and it is getting more exciting every day. If you want to master another language, I share my framework for learning any language in this free masterclass here. Grab your spot here 👉

Do you want to hear a lot of verbs, vocabulary and grammar, all in context from native speakers? Check out this series of podcast episodes: Resources for Advanced Spanish: Episode 25

If you teach languages, you probably love languages, too. However, our students don’t always love it so much. With all of the hard parts, who can blame them? In this free guide, I share 25 activities that can be used to teach any language and can be adapted to any level. Get yours here 👉

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