Teaching Languages | Subtitles

Teaching Languages | 5 More Weeks of Low and No Prep Fun


Subtitles Activity: Enhancing Language Skills with Authentic Videos


Hello again, language educators! In this segment of our language teaching video series, we explore a fantastic activity known as “Subtitles.” This activity leverages the abundant authentic target language videos available to us, engaging students in a creative and meaningful way. It involves watching short video clips and having students write what they think the subtitles should be, enhancing their listening and writing skills in the target language.

Key Takeaways

  1. Movie Talk Method: Using short video clips to facilitate discussion and comprehension in the target language.
  2. Creating Subtitles: Students watch clips and write what they believe the subtitles should be, practicing listening and writing.
  3. Cultural Exposure: Using clips from well-known filmmakers like Pedro Almodóvar to give students a taste of culture associated with the language.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Select Appropriate Videos: Choose short, relevant video clips suitable for your students’ language level.
  2. Scaffold and Discuss: Stop frequently to discuss and ask questions about the video content.
  3. Subtitle Creation: Have students write their own subtitles for the video, based on what they’ve understood and heard.

“They imagine what’s happening and they write about it in the target language… It’s a great way to get culture in there.”

Resources Mentioned

  • Authentic Target Language Videos: Clips from movies, TV shows, or online sources in the target language.
  • Discussion Questions: Prepared questions to facilitate comprehension and discussion during the video.

Personal Best Advice

Using authentic video materials for language learning is incredibly effective. It not only improves language skills but also provides a window into the cultural nuances of the language. As a language educator, I’ve seen firsthand how such activities can spark students’ interest and foster a deeper understanding of both the language and its cultural context.


  1. How do I choose the right video clips?
    • Consider the language level of your students and the cultural relevance of the video content.
  2. Can this activity be adapted for online teaching?
    • Yes, it can be effectively conducted in an online setting using video-sharing platforms.
  3. Is this suitable for beginner-level students?
    • Absolutely, just ensure the video content and language used are appropriate for their level.
  4. How do I assess students’ subtitles?
    • Focus on their understanding of the video content and their ability to express it in the target language.
  5. Can I use videos without audio for this activity?
    • Yes, having students create subtitles for silent videos can be an equally effective and fun exercise.

Need more activities that work in any language? https://real-life-language.teachable.com/p/250-language-activities-for-language-classes

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Language Teaching

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