Japanese expression for hello

Japanese expression for “hello”: Hello Original こんにちは   Romaji Konnichiwa Some more useful expressions in Japanese: Please Original お願い    します   Romaji Onegai Shimasu yes Original はい   Romaji Hai No Original いいえ   Romaji Iie sorry Original ごめん なさい   Romaji Gomen Nasai                Hello Original こんにちは   Romaji Konnichiwa Good morning. Original… Read More Japanese expression for hello

Language Class: Things We Teach NOT to Do in School that We MUST Do

  Language Class: Things We Teach NOT to Do in School that We MUST Do Language classes are unique. If you teach languages, you know that things are just different in our classes. So many of the things that traditionally we’re conditioned to do in school are the exact opposite of what we want people… Read More Language Class: Things We Teach NOT to Do in School that We MUST Do