Spanish Language: Week Two Conversation Four
Spanish Language
Spanish language-learn how people really speak. Learn Spanish like a native from a native in this series of podcast episodes of conversations with native speakers from all over the world.
Episode Summary
In this episode, you will meet Jazmin from the Dominican Republic. She will tell us about her life, their education system, family life, leisure time, economy and more. Learn Spanish like a native from a native.
Essential words and phrases to understand this conversation
ingeniera industrial: industrial engineer
tocar el ukelele: to play the ukelele
por lo general: generally
casi lo mismo: almost the same
sancocho: a stew
nunca iría a un restaurante: I would never go to a restaurant
sueldo minímo: minimum wage
mis padres tienen una casa: my parents have a house
una decisión difícil: a difficult decision
tiene muchos factores: it has a lot of factors