Travel Italian: 5-week Course

Travel Italian

Travel Italian: 5-week Crash Course

Learn travel Italian with this fast 5-week course.

Quick review: this is a hugely important factor in learning a language, time. To learn basic Italian (it’s really closely related to English) you can invest between 750 and 1,000 hours of focused, immersive, input and practice, and hit a very basic level of fluency. Those hours are researched-based. They’re done by the US government, and they’re used to prepare people for their missions in embassies and counselors abroad. 

Most of us aren’t like these people, however, where we get uninterrupted time to focus on learning a new language and do nothing else. However, I think it’s a really good rule of thumb to give an idea of how long it takes to learn to speak a language.

Each week you will learn a new theme presented in chunks. Communicative themes and chunks are critical pieces to learning a new language.

This week’s lesson-Travel Italian Useful Phrases

Useful phrases Frasi utili
I’d like a __________, please.Vorrei un una __________, per favore.
Cheers!Cin cin!
Enjoy your meal.Buon pranzo.
Wine list, please.Il menu dei vini, per favore.
Could I get the bill, please?Il conto, per favore?
Where is the bathroom?Dov’è il bagno?
Excuse me.Pardon.
Thank you.Grazie.
You’re welcome.Benvenuto.
One more, please.Un altro, per favore.

Remember to get practical. Will you do Goldlist? Vocab Columns? Task notebooks?

Track your time this week. 

Track your time each day that you’re working on your language skills. We’re human beings. Life gets in the way, but there’s certainly time that we can all find- waiting in line, getting your car washed. Pull out your phone or your notebook, or your phrase book- whatever it is that you’re using to learn a language, and invest 20 minutes, or 30 minutes, here and there. The time all adds up. Even if you don’t do it perfectly over the next five weeks, you’re going to see pretty direct correlation between the amount of time you invest and your progress. 

I share ideas on Pinterest and Instagram, too.

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