ACTFL 5 C’s: Communities


ACTFL 5 C’s: Communities

Welcome to the Five-Week Linguist Show! Today, we will talk about how communities helps you improve your language fluency and connect with the native speakers of another community.

(00:28) – The Five C’s

(01:21) – Practical Ways to connect with people in another language

(01:40) – The italki App

(02:29) – “The teachers are trained, sympathetic, and will help you get through the lesson.”

(03:00) – The HelloTalk App

(03:58) – The next way to connect with native speakers

(04:21) – “If you’re shy, it’s a great way to start out!”

(04:28) – Facebook Groups to practice language

(05:02) – Instagram Live

(05:58) – YouTube videos to access things about language

(06:52) – YouTube playlists for language materials

(07:16) – YouTube Live Function

(08:13) – Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype

(09:02) – A fun way to build a community

(10:02) – In-Person ways to build your community

(10:22) – “It would not have been easy to connect with a native speaker 20 years ago than it is today.”

(10:57) – The cleverest idea

(11:30) – New York City as a Language Lab

(12:04) – “Our communities are all completely different.”

(12:33) – Pleasure from languages

(13:34) – How can you connect with other people who speak other languages?

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