Holiday words in French: Conversations for Beginners

Holiday words in French

Holiday words in French: Conversations for Beginners 

Welcome to Everyday French Conversations for Beginners Week 3 Episode 5. In this episode, we’ll learn about words and phrases for holiday in French. We will also talk about Labor Day in France on the 1st of May.

(0:34) – Labor Day in France is on the 1st of May

(0:47) – Everything’s closed on the first of May.

(01:41)- Weather tends to be really nice on the first of May. So people have a picnic or a barbecue

(02:04)- On the first of May, the unions are doing demonstrations or rallies

Conversation about the Traffic Jam on the 1st of May

(04:51) What’s happening? Look at that. We can’t even pass.

(05:02) What a traffic jam. But it’s incredible, it’s not even the 1st of May.

(05:35) There’s lot of demonstrations on the first of May.

(05:45) I meant to say the manifestation meaning rallies.

(06:01) Oh yeah it’s the labor day.

(06:02) The Labor Day in the United States is on September

(06:13) do you have a lot of rallies and demonstrations.

(06:23) No, we in general, have a picnic.

(06:31) Oh, look. We’re moving ahead. And it’s not too early.

(09:09) There are three big weekends in France on the month of May. 1st of May is Labor Day, 8th of May, Victory of Europe which celebrates the end of World War Two, and 13th of May is Ascension Day.

We learn languages most effectively in chunks–meaningful words and phrases to communicate right away. 

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