Spanish-Learn with Podcasts: Week One Conversation Five


Spanish-Learn with Podcasts: Week One Conversation Five

Spanish-Learn with Podcasts

Spanish-learn with podcasts. Our series features conversations with Spanish speakers from all over the Spanish-speaking world. Learn Spanish like a native from a native.

In this conversation for advanced learners of Spanish, you will learn vocabulary and grammar (all in context) to talk about life and culture in Argentina. You will meet Sofy from Argentina. Sofy is a passionate teacher and student of languages. She lives with her family in a suburb of Buenos Aires.

First, our guest, Sofy, will tell us about her family and family life on a broader scale in Argentina. She will tell us about food in her country, holidays and celebrations. Get the perspective of how people live in Argentina, how they spend their leisure time, the economy and work, and more from a native.

Essential words and phrases to understand this conversation:

la gente lo toma de una fiesta: people treat it like a party

los días festivos: holidays

los terrenos: land

gente soltera: single people

me di cuenta: I realized

levantarse de la crisis: lift itself out of crisis

actualmente: currently

fuentes de trabajo: sources of work

muchos emprendedores: many entrepreneurs

apoyando a otros: supporting others

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Podcast to Learn Spanish: Week Two Conversation One

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