Learn Spanish the Best Way: Week One Conversation Two
Learn Spanish the best way- through eavesdropping. This podcast series features conversations with Spanish speakers from all over the Spanish-speaking world. Learn to speak Spanish like a native from a native.
Episode Summary
In this conversation for advanced learners of Spanish, you will learn vocabulary and grammar (all in context) to talk about life and culture in Honduras. You will meet Karolyhna from Honduras. She is an online language tutor, and recently got married.
Get the perspective on life in Honduras from a native.
Essential words and phrases to understand this conversation:
todas estas cosas: all these things
en raras ocasiones: in rare occasions
la preparatoria: equivalent education age/level of upper US high school
la selva: the jungle
en el campo: in the countryside
hoy en día: these days
mayormente: mostly
más sano: healthier
el Día del Trabajador: May 1st (equivalent of U.S. Labor Day)
si vienes de otro país: if you come from another country
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