Learn How to Speak Spanish

How to Learn Spanish Through Everyday Conversations for Beginners

Are you interested in learning how to speak Spanish but don’t know where to start? If you’re a beginner, eavesdropping on everyday conversations can be a great way to learn. In this post, we’ll go over a conversation between Lizbeth from Mérida, México, and Andrés from San Golgi, Ecuador, and provide tips on how to use this conversation to improve your Spanish skills.

Introducing Lizbeth and Andrés

Lizbeth and Andrés start their conversation by introducing themselves. They ask each other about their names, where they live, and where they are from. This is a great way to start a conversation and get to know someone in Spanish.

Getting to Know Each Other

  • Introduce Yourself: What’s Your Name and Where are You From?
  • Where Do You Live and When is Your Birthday?
  • Tell Us About Your Family and Siblings
  • Physical Appearance and Personality
  • Languages You Speak

Learn How to Speak Spanish: Talking About Classes and Summer Activities

Lizbeth and Andrés continue their conversation by discussing their classes and summer activities. This is a good opportunity to learn some new vocabulary and practice talking about your own experiences.

School and Summer Activities

  • Classes and Schedules
  • Summer Activities and Pastimes

Favorite Things and Hobbies

The conversation then turns to favorite things and hobbies. This is a fun way to practice describing things in Spanish and learn some new vocabulary.

Hobbies and Favorites

  • Favorite TV Shows and Movies
  • Favorite Foods and Typical Foods from Your Country
  • Favorite Hobbies and Activities

Shopping, Sports, and Daily Routines

Finally, Lizbeth and Andrés discuss shopping, sports, and their daily routines. This is a good opportunity to practice using common phrases and verbs in Spanish.

Daily Life

  • Shopping in Your Community
  • Popular Sports in Your Country
  • Daily Routines and Activities

Describing Your City and Holidays

Lizbeth and Andrés finish their conversation by describing their cities and what they like to do during the holidays. This is a great way to practice using adjectives to describe things in Spanish.

City and Holidays

  • Describing Your City
  • Holiday Traditions and Activities


Eavesdropping on conversations in Spanish is a great way to learn the language. By listening to Lizbeth and Andrés’ conversation, you can practice your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Remember to take notes and practice speaking Spanish as often as you can.

Want to master Spanish? Learn how in my masterclass 7 Essentials to Speak Spanish Like a Native. Grab your spot here 👉 https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/6180dbdfab739700184fd27f
Do you teach Spanish? Get my 5 Essentials for Teaching Spanish masterclass. Register here: 👉https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/61311b0468bc790018219159

Getting through the hard stuff. There’s a lot of it. My advice here. https://reallifelanguage.com/reallifelanguageblog/2022/07/11/tips-for-learning-a-language-things-we-dont-love/

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