![telling time in Italian](http://reallifelanguage.com/reallifelanguageblog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Copy-of-Copy-of-Modern-Art-Minimal-YouTube-Thumbnail-10-683x1024.jpg)
Telling time is an activity you should be able to do as an Italian learner. For this lesson, we have two videos: the first one will introduce you to telling time in Italian on the hour and the second one with minutes. Enjoy the videos and practice telling time!
Che ora è? What time is it?
The hours
E’ l’una. It’s one o’ clock.
Sono le due. It’s two o’clock.
Sono le tre. It’s three o’clock.
Sono le quattro. It’s four o’clock.
Sono le cinque. It’s five o’clock.
Sono le sei. It’s six o’clock.
Sono le sette. It’s seven o’clock.
Sono le otto. It’s eight o’clock.
Sono le nove. It’s nine o’clock.
Sono le dieci. It’s ten o’clock.
Sono le undici. It’s eleven o’clock.
Sono le dodici. It’s twelve o’clock.
Time with minutes
Remember that in italian we say “sono le …. e …” up to thirty-five minutes (e.g. Sono le otto e venticinque It’s twenty-five past eight).
Sono le otto. It’s eight o’clock.
Sono le otto e cinque. It’s five past eight.
Sono le otto e dieci. It’s ten past eight
Sono le otto e un quarto. It’s a quarter past eight.
Sono le otto e venti. It’s twenty past eight.
Sono le otto e venticinque. It’s twenty-five past eight.
Sono le otto e mezza. It’s half past eight.
Sono le otto e trentacinque. It’s thirty-five past eight.
Sono le nove meno venti. It’s twenty to nine.
Sono le nove meno un quarto. It’s a quarter to nine.
Sono le nove meno dieci. It’s ten to nine
Sono le nove meno cinque. It’s five to nine.
Sono le nove. It’s nine o’clock.
More vocabulary
Mattina Morning
Mezzogiorno Noon or Midday
Pomeriggio Afternoon
Sera Evening
Notte Night
Mezzanotte Midnight.
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