La Corrida de Toros

Get free materials for teaching and learning languages: Please note: the last frame has an image of la estocada (the last part of the bullfight just before the bull dies). Reading, questions and answers and extension activities available here: Get free materials for teaching and learning languages:

A Tuna Group Sings in Málaga

Get free materials for teaching and learning languages: Here is a great article that explains the history of Tuna groups: This wonderful Tuna group sang to me and my family last July in Málaga, Spain. Get free materials for teaching and learning languages:

Fun Activities for Your Class from Unemployed Actors

Get free materials for learning and teaching languages: Actors must audition in many cases to get a job. Oftentimes an actor must come with a prepared monologue, and/or read from a script without time to prepare. This gives directors a chance to see the range an actor can play, as well as how good… Read More Fun Activities for Your Class from Unemployed Actors