Novice to Intermediate in Languages: Going from A to B

Welcome to the Five-Week Linguist Show! Today, we will discuss how to move from Novice A to Intermediate B in terms of your language fluency, improving your language fluency, and the tools you can utilize. This post contains affiliate links. Welcome to The Five-Week Linguist Show! If you’re someone interested in learning a new language… Read More Novice to Intermediate in Languages: Going from A to B

Exploring Private Language Schools | Study abroad next summer

The Five-Week Linguist: Exploring Private Language Schools Welcome to the Five-Week Linguist blog! This week, we are delving into the world of private language schools. I have always been intrigued by private language institutions worldwide, though I personally prefer studying abroad rather than local language schools. Here’s why. As a novice or an ‘A’ level… Read More Exploring Private Language Schools | Study abroad next summer