Breakfast in French: Conversations for Beginners

Breakfast in French: Conversations for Beginners

Breakfast in French: Conversations for Beginners

Welcome to Everyday French Conversations for Beginners: Episode 6. This episode has one double entendre explained in context (possibly explicit). Learn language get breakfast at the bakery in French.

We’ll talk about the bakery, a place to get French breakfast and food such as sandwiches, baguettes, candies, cakes, Christmas cakes, pizzas, croissants, brioche (bread with butter and sugar that is very sweet).

(02:30) Role playing a conversation at the bakery.

(03:20) Breakdown of the conversation. Hello, ma’am. Can I help you, please? (How to say it in a polite way and to a friend you know.) But what would you like?

(04:20) Choices given: classic French bread. Another choice is about half the size of a baguette, but in a different context, the word may mean “bastard.” Another choice is country bread, which uses a different flour.

(05:38) Janina asks for a baguette. “Good, and with that?” I would like two brioche and two croissant. “Will that be all?” Two-fifty. Do you have change for 100 euros?

(06:25) “No, I don’t. You can go to the B&P (big bank) next door.” All right, then. I don’t have enough money. I’ll leave the brioche and the croissants. “Do as you wish.” Goodbye.

(07:15) Here are some important phrases: What would you like? (Not very polite.) But what would you like? Please. Good, and what else? I would like… Will that be all?

(08:25) Do you have change for…? Oh no! You can go. Next door. All right then. I don’t have enough. I don’t have enough money. I will leave. I’ll leave the brioche. I’ll leave the brioche and the croissant. Do as you want.

(09:50) Make yourself at home. Goodbye.

(10:15) Final thoughts about the bakery: people are busy, it’s like a religion, and go in the morning when the bread is warm and straight out of the oven.

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Let’s begin with the following phrases to learn French:

    Je voudrais un(e) __________, s’il              vous plaît.

I’d like a __________, please.

Puis-je avoir l’addition, s’il vous plaît ?

Could I get the bill, please?

Où est la salle de bain ?

Where is the bathroom?


Excuse me.


Thank you.

Je vous en prie.

You’re welcome.

Un autre, s’il vous plaît.

One more, please.


I’m sorry.

Prenez soin de vous.

Take care.





It’s really hot.

                Il fait trop chaud.

It’s really cold.

                 Il fait trop froid.

There’s a lot of noise.

                C’est très bruyant.

I need……..

               J’aurai besoin de…

We learn languages most effectively in chunks–meaningful words and phrases to communicate right away. 

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