Thank you (Italian)

Thank you (Italian)

Looking to say more than thank you in Italian? If so, consider getting my Italian for Travel and Beginners book.

The key to learning vocabulary fast is chunking. This is learning meaningful words and phrases of vocabulary grouped together into chunks. Language for travel is the perfect context for this.

What’s really important is to learn vocabulary that’s going to lead you to be able to do something as you learn the new language. Not only does the vocabulary being in context make it learning and recall easier, more efficient and faster, these chunks serve useful communicative purposes.

Phrase books are an excellent way to use chunking when you learn a new language. Survival words and phrases are offered for contexts such as eating, a hotel, getting and phrases of courtesy. All of the words and phrases you will learn will also teach you grammar and vocabulary in context. The phrase I would like will not only give you the language to make a request, you will also learn the subject pronoun for I and be exposed to the conditional tense with would.

There some excellent phrase books out there to get you started with chunking to learn a new language. Lonely Planet and Berlitz are just two among many. You can also make your own.

Here are some other survival chunks for travel and beginners in Italian:

Useful phrases Frasi utili

Cheers! Cin cin! 

Enjoy your meal. Buon pranzo. 

Wine list, please. Il menu dei vini, per favore. 

Could I get the bill, please? Il conto, per favore? 

Where is the bathroom? Dov’è il bagno? 

Excuse me. Pardon. 

Thank you. Grazie. 

You’re welcome. Benvenuto. 

One more, please. Un altro, per favore. 

I’d like a __________, please. Vorrei un una __________, per favore.

Looking for the guide with downloadable audio? Italian for Travel and Beginners


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