Interview with an Artist

As an assessment of your growing knowledge of language to talk about arts and entertainment in the target language, you will demonstrate your knowledge through an ‘interview’ with a famous entertainer (actor, singer, writer, musician, etc.) who speaks the language you are studying.


90-100 points

The student conducted an interview with a famous artist who speaks the target language.

The interview had at least twenty questions. No more than 8 of the questions are biographical (i.e. name, born, etc.).

One student played the role of the interviewer and the other the interviewee.

The interview was recorded on Audacity.

The content of the interview (answers to questions) was based on research. The students cited their sources.

The student spoke only spoke the target language.

The students practiced the interview before recording. The result was a professional sounding interview (no giggling, words that are difficult to pronounce were practiced, etc.).

Appropriate verb tenses, vocabulary and grammar were included in the interview.


80-89 points

All elements of an A with more than five errors in grammar or vocabulary.

70-79 points

All elements of an A with more than 8 errors in grammar or vocabulary.

60-69 points

All elements of an A with more than 10 errors in grammar or vocabulary.

59 or below

Missing elements and/or errors

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