
Pear Deck -AR Present Subjunctive


Pear Deck -AR Present Subjunctive


Note: This activity requires Pear Deck Premium.


Verbs are very challenging, as we know. We know they’re best acquired in context. With that said, it’s essential to do really targeted practice on verbs, too.


Open up Pear Deck and choose Draggable.


Put it on the student device or classroom projector.

When you make it draggable, you’ll be able to have a red dot. If you display it on your projector, then they’ll all go basically to what you say. It’s basically TPR, but in this case, it’s with difficult verbs. Tell them to select the correct verb that goes with it. I either use the verbs in sentences in English and they must find the correct verb, or verbs and subjects.

Everyone drags and then you lock the screen to check answers. It’s a fun TPR activity to do to help your students master verbs.

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