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Spanish Present Tense o-ue Stem-changers Verb Game: Battleship


How to play:


  1. Print out a study sheet for each student. Allow them to study the verbs.
  2. Print out the empty grid.
  3. Students place their “ships” on the grid by marking them out, of which they get four (or any number of your choosing). Make them different sizes (i.e. 1 square, 2, 3 and 4).
  4. Students call out conjugated verbs when it is their turn. If there is a hit (tocado), the other student must write an X on that coordinate. If there is a miss, they can say so (errado). If a ship is sunk, they say (hundido). The first student to sink the other’s ships wins.



Allow students to play without the sheets, but with permission to access them. You may also want to assign each group a moderator who holds the sheet to check answers. Groups can switch roles. Lots of practice!

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