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Imperfect Subjunctive Spanish Verb Charts and Quiz


Imperfect Subjunctive Spanish Verb Charts and Quizzes

Here are some ways to use these materials in your classes:

*Use as a supplement to the verb activities in your text. Practice makes perfect.

*Use as a way to learn patterns. You give them the blank copy. Once they are catching on, they complete it themselves. You check for accuracy and­­ they have a quiz next class using the same chart.

*Use for communicative activities as a source for questions.

Some ideas:

1. Interviews: students use the verbs to create and do Q & A.

2. Hot Seat: put students in groups, and they brainstorm Q & A possibilities for a period of time. They then take turns going into the Hot Seat, asking and answering. I choose 1 or 2 minute periods. They get a point for each correct Q & A. I love Online Stopwatch.

3. Use as a source for verb practice games (board race, write the correct form on white boards, ring the bell if your team knows the conjugation, conjugate before the bubbles run out, partner Tic Tac Toe, walk on feet with the subject pronouns and conjugate correctly, etc.- whatever you do in your class to get that mastery). Try putting the subjects in one wheel and the infinitives in another on the Wheel of Names.

*Use the key as notes, a handout and/or as the key to the quiz. Happy conjugating!

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